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Dewiswch eich Iaith
Subscribing as a ‘Supporter’ of Pensychnant is more than just a financial gift to the charity; Our Supporters are part of our reason for being.
Pensychnant’s Supporters are its friends; its eyes and ears; and our link with the wider community.
For a minimum donation of £10, Supporters will receive Pensychnant’s occasional newsletter, The Yaffle, and will be posted a regular programme of Pensychnant’s guided walks, talks, natural history workshops and social events throughout the year. We will hope to see you at Pensychnant sometime.
If you would like to become a Supporter of Pensychnant, please complete this form. Thank you
Pensychnant is an ambitious project and cannot succeed without its community of volunteers.
Opportunities are diverse, from manning the exhibition and sales, to hard graft on the nature reserve, and can be matched to your skills and abilities.
If you would like to be more actively involved with Pensychnant, contact us using the details below.