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Dewiswch eich Iaith
Pensychnant depends upon your generosity.
Our aims are always greater than our coffers, and being a small charity, your gift, whether large or small, really can make a real difference. Contributions will be very gratefully received.
Pensychnant is open to anyone who appreciates nature, but if you would like to make a contribution to the work of the Pensychnant Foundation, this would be very helpful.
Conserving Pensychnant and its wildlife will always be a struggle (a joyful struggle; but a struggle none-the-less).
Restoration and sensitive development of the House and Estate is needed to save it for wildlife and for the local community; to allow it to be better shared, and to contribute more fully to local natural history and wider conservation.
Now that we hear that even birds as commonplace as house sparrows and song thrushes are declining, we can no longer be complacent about nature conservation.
None of us alone can make a big difference, but it is the support of many individuals together which makes the struggle both possible and worthwhile.
Support us and feel glad that you are really helping to make a difference to wildlife conservation in a very special part of the world!
Pensychnant has done very well over the years from items donated by supporters, from bric-a-brac to furniture, plants, and tools.
All we ask is that the charity is allowed to make the best use of items as it thinks best.
Some items may be used in the Centre; others may be sold to raise vital funds, or passed on to other charities.
Contact us if you have something which you may like to donate to Pensychnant. Thank you.
Sorry, we are rarely able to accept very large items or clothes, and are rarely able to collect goods.
Legacies & Donations ‘in Memory’
Pensychnant is full of memories of those who have gone before us.
A gift in your Will or a gift in memoriam is one of the most valuable ways in which you can leave a lasting benefit for nature and Mankind., for surely the natural environment is the greatest inheritance we can pass to the future.
Contact us if you would like to discuss leaving a bequest or giving a donation in memory of a loved one. Thank you.
Legacy gifts to charity are generally exempt from Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax, so the full value of your gift will go straight to wildlife conservation.