
Canolfan Cadwraeth a Gwarchod Natur


Conservation Centre & Nature Reserve

Nature Reserve &..


Wildlife Art Gallery

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Community Facilities


Wildlife Recording



Prices 2010

Basic prices for room-hire for community events at Pensychnant are outlined below: (Commercial rates can be discussed). However, Pensychnant has never wanted money to stifle or inhibit good events, so prices are negotiable (up and down!), with special rates for charitable wildlife organisations and events done in partnership with Pensychnant.

  Old Billiards Room  £30

  Projector (slide or digital)  £5

  Lounge   £30

  Dining Room   £10

Prices are for a morning, an afternoon or an evening.

Tea & Coffee can be provided at all meetings @ 50p/ mug and other catering can be arranged.

Guided walks and talks cost about £30 plus £2 per person. Talks about Pensychnant can also be given at ‘your’ venue.

We aim to be flexible. If you have special wants, please ask and though resources and time are limited, we will do our best.

All proceeds raised from community events at Pensychnant will be ploughed back in to nature conservation and wildlife events at Pensychnant and locally.


Old Billiards Room


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